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Stan Musial Photo Gallery
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A followup To My Post Yesterday About the Great Stan Musial
Exactly one year ago, I wrote a post about Stan Musial highlighting his great career. It turned out that one of our Old-Time Baseball Photos readers, Don Ostapowicz, read it and contacted me to say that his family had been Donora neighbors of the Musial’s.
In light of the great response yesterday’s post received, I thought this would be a good time to repost my write-up about Don and his family’s famous Donora neighbor. The information Don was kind enough to share with me included some personal correspondence and Stan’s very touching note sent at the time of the death of Don’s father. I think you’ll enjoy it, as it tells us a lot about Stan Musial, the man:
We’re Contacted by a Donora, PA Neighbor of Stan Musial!
One of the many highlights of our Old Time Baseball Photos Facebook page is that our posts go out to so many fans across the baseball world. With over 73K followers, we never know who is going to read our posts. Many times we unexpectedly receive wonderful responses.
And so it was with my post this morning about the great Stan Musial. It just so happens that it reached one of our readers, Don Ostapowicz in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
Don’s family originally lived right next door to the Musial’s in Donora, PA. The Musial’s lived at 1137 Marelda Ave; while Don’s family lived at 1151 Marelda. Don’s grandparents and parents were friends with the Musial’s.
Don was born while his family lived in the Marelda home in Donora; but his family moved to Ohio when Don was young. The Donora steel mill had closed and Don’s dad needed a job. However, Don mentioned that the Donora home is still owned by his family.
When Don’s father passed away in 1974, Don received a nice personal letter of sympathy from Stan Musial which, of course, is one of Don’s cherished possessions. It says in part: “I remember you grandparents and father very well and was sorry to hear of the recent passing of your father, Harry. I can remember many good times spent with your family and mine. Sincerely, Stan Musial.”
At one point Don sent Stan a photo of the Musial home in Donora, which Stan signed, saying, “I have signed and am returning the picture of my old home in Donora, Pennsylvania as per your request. I was quite touched by your letter; it’s always nice to be remembered by those back home.”
Stan also threw in an autographed promotion picture signed, “To Don, from your Donora neighbor. Stan Musial.”
In my correspondence with him today, Don also included some personal reflections. First mentioning that Stan is still revered in Donora, he added, “He truly was a nice man in addition to being one of the greatest baseball players to ever take the field. Oh yeah, there were a couple of other ballplayers from Donora you might have heard of…Ken Griffey and Griffey Jr. Such a little town that spawned so many athletes.”
I have to say it’s the personal touches like this that make our humble efforts here on Old Time Baseball Photos all worthwhile! Thanks Don for taking the time to share with us this wonderful personal information on the great Stan Musial!
Gary Livacari
Photo Credits: All from Google search
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