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Babe Ruth Day, June 13, 1948 Photo Gallery
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Twenty-Five Year Reunion of the 1923 World Series Champion Yankees!
OK…I admit it…I’m a sucker for Old-Timer photos. Here’s a real good one, taken sixty-nine years ago yesterday, on the 25th anniversary of the 1923 opening of Yankee Stadium, with s special reunion of the 1923 Yankees, the first Yankee team to win the World Series. An ailing Babe Ruth is in the center of the top row. See how many of the Yanke’s you can pick out before looking at the player identifications in the comments section below.
Here’s a few words about the historic day:
June 13, 1948 was a special day in Yankees’ history. On that date the club celebrated the 25th anniversary of Yankee Stadium. Among the highlights that day was a reunion of the 1923 Yankees team – the first team to play in Yankee Stadium, and the first Yankee team to win the World Series. What made the win even more special is that they beat their cross-town rivals, the New York Giants of John McGraw.
Most importantly, the June 13, 1948 occasion featured “Babe Ruth Day” with a special ceremony during which the Yankees formally retired a dying Babe Ruth’s uniform #3 and sent it to Cooperstown. During the ceremony, an emotional crowd of 49,641 fans sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’ to the Babe.
The historic day marked the great Bambino’s final appearance in a Yankees uniform and at Yankee Stadium. He passed away just two months later on August 16th. Nat Fein’s famous Pulitizer Prize winning photo, titled “The Babe Bows Out,” was taken on this day, and is posted in the comments section below.
An earlier “Babe Ruth Day” was held on April 27, 1947. That was the occasion in which a raspy voiced Babe Ruth in civilian attire addressed the silenced crowd. Some scenes from that day are included in the photo gallery.
Player Identifications:
Top Row, L-R: Hinkey Haines, Waite Hoyt, George Pipgras, “Bullet” Joe Bush, Oscar Roettger, Babe Ruth, “Jumpin'”Joe Dugan, Bob Meusel, Wally Pipp, Elmer Smith. Front Row, L-R: “Sad” Sam Jones, Wally Schang, Carl Mays, Whitey Witt, Fred Hofman, Mike McNally
-Gary Livacari
Photo Credits: All from Google search; and from Getty Images / Mark Rucker / The LIFE Picture Collection (see link below)
Information: Excerpts edited from article on Babe Ruth Day,
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