For old-time baseball fans like us, if there’s a better day of the year than Opening Day, I’m not sure what it is!
I Meet Andre Dawson at Cub Spring Training in Mesa, Arizona!
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THERE ARE ERRORS…AND THEN THERE ARE ERRORS!! Hank Gowdy and the 1924 World Series
“The mask held me like a bear claw,” –Hank Gowdy, recalling his unfortunate incident in the 1924 World Series which led to Washington’s winning run.
Baseball’s Most Lopsided Trades – The Dodgers Steal Billy Herman From the Cubs…and Win the 1941 Pennant!
“I was able to tell Dodger GM Larry MacPhail we had a hell of a ball club there. But we could win the whole thing with one other player.” “And who was that?” MacPhail wanted to know. “Billy Herman,” I said in no uncertain terms…
Fifty-three years ago this month, major league ballplayers headed to spring training to begin the 1966 season. Those rookies and other marginal players hoping to catch on with the big league club would be making a magnanimous $6,000 salary.
Congratulations To One Of Our Readers, Artist Dave Hobrecht!
We always like to highlight the accomplishments of our readers, especially if it has any connection to the game that we all love, baseball.
Today is “National Pi Day!” Mathematics and Baseball Have A Surprising Connection!
When is a pi(e) square? Well, in the mathematic world. Yes, the math constant of Pi, 3.14, is celebrated every March 14th. In baseball, there was a “constant” at third base for the Pittsburg Pirates from 1920 to 1937. He went by the name of “Pi,” although he spelled it “Pie.”
Brooklyn Robins’ Manager Wilbert Robinson Agrees to Catch a Ball Dropped From an Airplane 104 Years Ago Today!
Can you even imagine a stunt like this happening today? With today’s multi-million dollar athletes? Not on your life!
Here’s Another Great Video: The Old Ball Parks!
Some of you will remember my recent post showing Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig taking batting practice in 1931. Since that one was so well received by the readers, I thought I’d post another.
Here’s One for Our Many Dead Ball Era Fans: Let’s Turn the Spotlight on Baseball “Lifer,” Pat Moran!
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Part Two of Paul Doyle’s Posts on Baseball “Scribes.”
As some of you will remember, in Part One in his two part series on baseball scribes, Paul featured Hall-of-Fame sportswriter, Fred Lieb. Today, he takes a chapter from Lieb’s classic book, Baseball As I Have Known It, and presents Lieb’s personally selected All-Star teams from four different eras.
Cubs Spring Training on Catalina Island!
How many baseball fans are aware that for 30 years the Cubs held Spring training on their own private paradise island?
Guest Post From Paul Doyle: “Here’s to the Scribes!”
As those of you who read his first two posts know, Paul Doyle is a clever writer who has, shall we say, a rather unique “way with words”
The Leslie Jones Boston Public Library Baseball Collection, Part One
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Incredible Video of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig Taking Batting Practice, 1931 or 1932!
Thanks to Chris Williamson for sharing this incredible video of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig taking batting practice. Be sure to watch on full screen and with sound.
Birthday Anniversary for the Great Honus Wagner; Born February 24, 1874
Thanks to our resident baseball artist, Don Stokes, for calling to our attention that today is the birthday anniversary of Honus Wagner. He was born 145 years ago today. Don has also come through with a beautiful colorization of the great Dutchman.
A Memorable Baseball Brawl: Carl Furillo Gets 50-Year Old Leo Durocher in a Chokehold!
“Durocher was a dirty manager. He was a dirty player… I hated his guts.” –Carl Furillo “Leo Durocher has an uncanny ability to make a bad situation worse.” -Branch Rickey
Special Washington’s Birthday Feature: “I Cannot Tell a Lie…But I Can Sure Stretch the Truth!”
February 22 is George Washington’s birthday…and there can’t possibly be any connection to baseball history, can there?
But wait! Paul Doyle has found one!
Don Newcombe, RIP (1926-2019)
Here at Old-Time Baseball Photos would be remiss in our duty if we let the day go by without biding a sad farewell to the great Dodger pitcher, Don Newcombe who passed away yesterday at age 92, and recalling some of the highlights of his remarkable career.
“Welcome Back Baseball!”
We’ve endured a long, grueling winter that’s apparently not over yet, not by “a long shot” (or even as long as a blast off the bat of the great Bambino himself!).
It’s Presidents’ Day, Let’s Recall President Eisenhower’s “Baseball Secret!”
“When I was a small boy in Kansas, a friend and I went fishing. As we sat there in the warmth of the summer afternoon on a river bank, we talked about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I told him that I wanted to be a real major league baseball player. My friend said that he’d like to be President of the United States. Unfortunately, neither of us got our wish…” -Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States
1939 Negro League East-West All-Star Game!
As we continue our month-long salute to the Negro Leagues, I’d like to repost this great photo from the 1939 Negro League East-West All-Star game, along with a little information about this game which was so important to the African-American community:
Sign the Petition to Get Gill Hodges into the Hall of Fame!
As many of you are aware. I’ve been actively supporting the movement to get Gil Hodges into the Hall of Fame. Please help our cause by signing the “Gil for the Hall” petition! -Thanks, Gary
Another Chapter In Our Month-Long Salute to the Negro Leagues: The Homestead Grays
As has become our tradition, we like to highlight the Negro Leagues during the month of February, so we can’t let the month go by without a salute to the Homestead Grays, one of the greatest teams of the Negro Leagues.
Joe Louis and Satchel Paige meet at Comiskey Park on August 13, 1948
With February being Black History Month, here’s a salute to the great Hall-of-Famer Satchel Paige, who many baseball historians think he may be the greatest pitcher ever.
Weekly Blog Question! How Do You Feel About the Designated Hitter (DH) Being Added to the National League?
Every week we’re posting a baseball history-related question and will encourage our readers to voice their opinion. We’d love to hear what you have to say! This week’s question involves the Designated Hitter.
The 1919 World Series: Did the White Sox Lose…or Did the Reds Win?
This year’s World Series will mark the 100th anniversary of the famed Black Sox scandal, in which eight (really six) members of the Chicago White Sox conspired with gamblers to throw the 1919 World Series to the Cincinnati Reds.
Tribute to Frank Robinson, August 31, 1935- February 7, 2019
“When I was managing, I had no trouble communication…the players just didn’t like what I had to say.” -Frank Robinson
Baseball World Mourns the Passing of Bob Friend, February 3, 2019
With the passing of Bob Friend this past week, I’d like to repost an article I wrote about him a couple years ago as part of my “Baseball’s Forgotten Stars” series…
Tribute To Ernie Banks (January 31, 1931- January 23, 2015)
Ernie Banks, RIP It’s a sad, sad day on the north side of Chicago. Ernie Banks is gone…
The American League Announces Contingency Plan In Case Of An Airplane Disaster, January 29, 1947!
As is well known, from the earliest days of baseball to the mid-20th century, train travel had always been the normal means of transportation for teams traveling from city to city. Baseball lore is replete with stories of the escapades aboard the overnight train rides…
Happy Birthday to “Mr. Baseball,” Bob Uecker!
Yesterday, January 26, 1934, was the 85th birthday of Bob Uecker. Bob may very well be the funniest man to ever laced up cleats. He’s one of those guys that no matter what he says, it just cracks you up…
Another Edition of: From the Lighter Side! How Did “Shoeless” Joe Jackson Get His Famous Nickname?
“You shoeless sonofagun you!” –A fan yelling at 20-year old Greenville Spinner outfielder, Joseph Jackson, who was playing that day in his stocking feet.
And the rest, as they say, is history…
How would legendary manager John McGraw, the quintessential proponent of “small ball,” have reacted to today’s analytics? Not well, I can assure you….
Our Readers Have Spoken: Gil Hodges Belongs in the Hall of Fame!
As we get ready to close down our weekly poll question about whether or not Gil Hodges should be in the Hall of Fame, our very intelligent and well-informed readers have come to a decisive conclusion. By the over-whelming vote of 220-5, our readers have emphatically cast their votes in favor of Gil’s selection.
It’s Time for a Quiz!
It’s Time for a Quiz!
Here’s a little something to shake the winter doldrums and to get you thinking about baseball again. Especially if you’re like me and just got hit with eight inches of snow last night. Not only that, there’s still 69 more days until Opening Day!
Leo Durocher and Jackie Robinson: “How Different Things Might have Been…”
“I do not care if the guy is yellow or black, or if he has stripes like a f***in’ zebra. I’m the manager of this team, and I say he plays.” -Dodger manager Leo Durocher speaking to his Dodger team about the impending arrival of Jackie Robinson.
The Baseball World Says A Sad Good-Bye to Legendary Pitcher and Coach, Mel Stottlemyre
The moving tributes continue to come in for baseball icon Mel Stottlemyre who passed away Sunday at age 77 after a long battle with multiple myeloma. Here’s a small sampling from among the many whose lives he touched in so many positive ways:
Another Edition of “From the Lighter Side!” “Ah…You can’t beat fun at the old ball park!”
“Ah…You can’t beat fun at the old ball park!”
As Harry Caray used to say! Who knows, this was before a game a Ebbets Field, and if the Dodgers were playing the Cardinals, Harry might have even been there!
Does Gil Hodges Belong In The Hall of Fame? Vote Yes or No
Recent Posts Vote In Our Weekly Blog Question: Does Gil Hodges belong in the Hall […]