All baseball fans know just what the Hot Stove League is. Theoretically, it can be applied to any baseball talk or discussion during the offseason…
Hank Aaron, RIP
The baseball world was again saddened with today’s news that one of the greatest ballplayers of all time, Hall-of-Famer Hank Aaron (February 5, 1934- January 22, 2021) has passed away…
New Blog Topic: “Baseball’s Eccentrics and Zany Characters”
“The trouble with Bordagaray is that he thinks he’s a Babe Ruth and wants to be paid accordingly…trouble is, he’s not Babe Ruth, not by a mile”…
Our Annul Baseball Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.
As is my usual custom, I always like to find a connection between baseball history and national holidays…
Please note: As we compose new blog entries, we will now send each one out to all our subscribers as we post them. -GL
I loved watching Don Mattingly play baseball. A flawless fielder and an imposing figure in the batter’s box: powerful sloping shoulders, intense concentration…
Captain Ted Williams Recalled to Active Duty, January 9, 1952
“If there was ever a man born to be a hitter it was me”…
Tommy Lasorda, RIP
“I bleed Dodger Blue…and when I die I’m going to the Big Dodger in the sky!” –Tommy Lasorda…
Fun With Old Baseball Ads, Part Two
As promised, here’s Part Two of my feature on “Old Baseball Ads.” We had a lot of fun with Part One, with some of the readers sending me ads that they found themselves….
Another Edition of “From the Lighter Side!” Fun With Old Baseball Ads, Part One
“You shoeless sonofagun you!” –A fan yelling at 20-year old Greenville Spinner outfielder, Joseph Jackson, who was playing that day in his stocking feet…
Stan Musial’s 1951 Salary Increase Blocked by Government
As we bid the year 2020 Adieu (and good riddance), we probably will look back on this year from a historical baseball perspective and marvel at all the changes that occurred this past season.
January Baseball Trivia Contest: Hall Of Famers
Recent Posts January Baseball Trivia Contest and Grand Prize Giveaway! Are you up for the […]
Our Annual Tribute to Roberto Clemente: “HE’S GOT IT!!”
“If it was humanly possible for a ball to be caught, Roberto Clemente was going to get it.” –Pirates’ manager, Danny Murtaugh
Merry Christmas To All! Was Willie Mays the Inspiration for the Charlie Brown Christmas Special??
As we get ready to celebrate Christmas (as best we can in this the most dysfunctional year of our lives), whoever thought I’d be able to find a connection between the perennial TV favorite, Charlie Brown’s Christmas Special and baseball!
As I mentioned to you the other day, we’re starting a new blog page feature on our Baseball History Comes Alive website.
We’ve Added A New Blog Page
Bill Gutman and I are very happy to announce that we’ve added a new blog page feature to our Baseball History Comes Alive website…
My Review of Bill Gutman’s Book, “Murder on Murderer’s Row”
Bill Gutman has been an integral part of our team here on Baseball History Comes Alive for two and a half years…
Another in the Series: Baseball’s Characters and Eccentrics – The Brooklyn “Sym-Phony” Band!
“Sometimes the band sounds like a herd of elephants with whooping cough,” -Murray Schumach. New York Times, 1947…
Karl Kurt Ehrhardt was born in Unterweissbach, Germany, on November 26, 1924, the son of Willie and Elsie Voight Ehrhardt…
A Tribute to Dick Allen, RIP
“One day people will understand that standing up for yourself and your dignity makes you a man and not a malcontent”…
Ty Cobb Re-signs with the Tigers for $4,000!
“I often tried plays that looked recklessly daring, maybe even silly. But I never tried anything foolish when a game was at stake, only when we were far ahead or far behind. -Ty Cobb…
Happy Thanksgiving From Baseball History Comes Alive!
Let’s be honest. It’s hard to find a connection between Baseball and Thanksgiving. The great American family tradition of “Turkey Day” falls in that “no man’s land” between the last pitch of the World Series and the first pitch of spring training…
1932 New York Yankees
Check out this great team photo of the 1932 World Series Champion Yankees, beautifully restored/colorized by the very talented artist, Chris Whitehead of Mancave photos…
Great Footage of Honus Wagner!
“When he fielded grounders, his huge hands also collected large scoops of infield dirt, which accompanied his throws to first like the tail of a comet.”…
Anatomy of a Sports Bettor: The Compelling Story of Our Contributor, Bill Schaefer
Whatever winnings you accrue betting games, you will give back…and then some -Bill Schaefer…
A Genuine American War Hero: All-Star Pitcher Lou Brissie
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The 2020 World Series and the 1914 World Series Have Something In Common!
Before we turn the page on another baseball season, dysfunctional as this one was, I want to point out an interesting similarity I discovered between Game Four of the 2020 World Series between the Dodgers and Tampa Bay Rays and Game Three of the 1914 World Series…
How a Native American Star Began his Career as a Japanese
Today we offer our readers something a bit different. We’re very happy to feature a second guest post from SABR member Rob Fitts. Rob is a recognized authority on Japanese baseball…
The Classic 1926 World Series: “Ol’ Pete” Alexander Comes to the Rescue!
With the start of the 2020 World Series just around the corner, my tour through memorable World Series stops today in the exciting 1926 World Series, one of the most memorable in the history of the Fall Classic…
Beautiful Colorization From The 1903 World Series! Learn Why This Photo Is Very Significant for Us!
Check out this beautiful restoration/colorization of a rare combined team photo from the first World Series in 1903. It’s done by our friend Chris Whitehouse of Mancave Photos…
The 1948 World Series: “Spahn and Sain and Pray For Rain!”
With our dysfunctional 60-game regular season now over, the playoffs in full swing, and the World Series just ahead, I’ll use the next few posts to highlight some of my favorite World Series, especially some that aren’t as well remembered…
This week, Bill Schaefer treats us to an interesting essay dealing with the many ways in which baseball’s jargon has found its way into everyday English usage…
1964 World Series Aftermath: Baseball Plays Its Version of “Musical Chairs!”
“I managed good but boy did they play bad.” –Johnny Keane, commenting on his lack of success as Yankees’ manager.
My How Baseball Has Changed! Big Ed Walsh Wins Both Ends of a Doubleheader
One hundred and fifteen years ago yesterday, on September 26, 1905, a very unusual game was played at Huntington Avenue Baseball Grounds in Boston…
Second in the Series: Pitchers Who Converted to Other Positions
Recent Posts Subscribe to Baseball History Comes Alive! for automatic updates (sign-up block found in right […]
Tribute to the Great Dead Ball Era Pitcher, Smoky Joe Wood
“I threw so hard I thought my arm would fly right off my body.” Smoky Joe Wood, quoted in “The Glory of Their Times”….
Larry Yount: King of the One Game Wonders!
Baseball history is replete with weird, one-time-only oddities. And so here’s a real good one I stumbled onto yesterday.
Cubs Park Raided! May 24, 1920
“Today, Cubs management talks of welcoming gamblers to Wrigley Field. A century ago, it was calling the cops on them.”…
Tribute To Lou Brock, RIP
The entire baseball world was saddened to learn yesterday of the passing of the great Hall-of-Famer, Lou Brock…
“Dalko”: The Untold Story of Baseball’s Fastest Pitcher
“I wish he could have accomplished more. He was slated for big things. It’s just unfortunate that he didn’t.…But he’s still a legend”…