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November 9, 2021
New Blog Topic:
Update For All Of You Who Signed the Gil Hodges Petition
I’m Contacted by Irene Hodges, Gil’s daughter!
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for the amazing article you wrote about my dad. I was so touched and honored as I’m sure he would have been. Your support means a great deal so thank you. Fondly, Irene Hodges
I found this little note to be very touching. I wrote Irene back and thanked her for the kind words. I mentioned that I was glad to do it and that his selection was long overdue.

Just in case you were thinking your signature on the petition doesn’t mean much, think again. It means a whole lot to the Hodges family, which was one of my intentions when I started the petition and wrote the essay.
No doubt that it’s stuff like this makes all the efforts worthwhile. Whether or not Gil gets in this time, at least we can have the satisfaction of knowing we gave it our best shot at trying to correct this baseball injustice.
By the way, if you haven’t signed the petition as yet and you’d like to, you can still do so. Just click on this link. It will be open for signers one more week, until November 15. The link will also take you to the essay Iwrote in support of GIl’s candidacy.
As always, we enjoy reading your comments
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Hi Gary
Thanks for the update. If there is any justice, Gil will finally get his due.
Joan Tumbleson
Thanks Joan…great to hear from you again!
Thanks, Gary.
I had some malfunction issues with my I pad and wasn’t able to open your posts for months. Fortunately my daughter gave me some basics in how the blooming thing works, so I was able to figure it out. I saved all your posts and was able to catch up.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you, Gary, for all the hours of work and love you put into this blog. It is the only place to touch base with people who knew and loved the game of baseball while it still was “the national pass time” and not the travesty it’s become.
Thanks again Joan for the kind words…greatly appreciated. Glad you’re back with us and hope to hear a lot more from you over time!
Hi Gary,
Dec. 5th is only 2 days away and I’m really excited but very nervous as well.
Thanks for your all your efforts on getting Gil Hodges into the HOF where he so rightfully belongs! Plus allowing all of your readers the chance to help out in any little way they could by signing the petition and or adding in any little known / overlooked facts about his career and HOF worthiness. In an attempt to further make the case why his HOF election is so justified and extremely overdue to all those who will be voting Dec.5th. Is it possible to update all of your readers on how the process of getting your article out to and in front of all the voters before the Dec.5th vote is going. Plus if you have gotten any feedback from any of them on whether it has enlightened them to now understand why Gil should be in the HOF?
Gary thanks again for all your efforts on behalf of Gil and all his fans.
Sincerely devoted to the cause that
GIL HODGES 100% DESERVES to be in the HOF,
Mark Moreno