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Our New Opening Day: How Do You Feel About Baseball Starting Up?
It’s been a long drought…
There’s talk right now about baseball starting up around the July 4th weekend. There’s also different proposals about the length of the new season and the format. I get dizzy just thinking about what it all will look like, especially with no fans. I’m calling it “Ghost Baseball.” Then throw in the DH in the National League and the new three batter minimum rule for relievers, and things are really going to be out of joint.
It just seems like the thrill and excitement of a traditional Opening Day is gone. Let’s find out what our readers think about all this. I confess that I’m not real excited about the forthcoming season and I voted for Answer 2 below. I was tempted to vote for number 5 in my own poll. But then again, I guess any baseball is better than none. Do you agree?
Please vote in the poll and add any responses in the comments section below:
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Gary Livacari
Photo Credits: All from Google search
Check out my latest book, recently nominated for the SABR 2020 Lawrence Ritter award: Reflections On the 1919 Black Sox: Time to Take Another Look now available on Amazon in e-book and paperback. All profits go to the Illinois Veterans Foundation
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