Happy Thanksgiving From Baseball History Comes Alive!
Gary Livacari
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“Baseball and Thanksgiving” Photo Gallery
Click on any image below to see photos in full size and to start Photo Gallery:
Joe D. enjoying Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving from Stan Musial and the Cardinals
Hokey giant baseball player balloon from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Looks to be Forties or Fifties.
Babe Ruth at a turkey farm with boxer Jim Corbett
Casey Stengel with Met’s players in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, 1961
Babe Ruth being fed Thanksgiving dinner by a group of orphans
Babe Ruth bags his Thanksgiving dinner!
Happy Thanksgiving From Baseball History Comes Alive!
As some of you may remember, I always try to find some connection between our national holidays and baseball history. But let’s be honest. It’s hard to find a connection between “Baseball” and “Thanksgiving.” The great American family tradition of “Turkey Day” falls in that “no man’s land” between the last pitch of the World Series and the first pitch of spring training. It’s not exactly our favorite time of the year. But somehow, we manage to make it through year after year.
So after an “exhaustive Internet search” (which actually means I put the words “Baseball” and “Thanksgiving” together in a Google search), look what I found on MBL.com! It’s a great pic of a good old-fashioned Thanksgiving turkey dinner accompanied at the table by an old baseball mitt, a couple scruffed-up baseballs, and some well-worn wooden bats! Right up my alley! What more could a guy like me ask for!
Not only that, but there was a great article to go with the pic. The article features a bunch of ball players and/or their relatives giving recipes for their favorite Thanksgiving dish! We learn about Reds pitcher Chase Anderson’s wife and her recipe for pumpkin cheesecake. Nolan Arendo’s mother gives her a recipe for Cuban black beans and rice called “Congri.” Astros catcher Jason Castro gives his recipe for “Linguista” Thanksgiving stuffing.
Now before your eyes glaze completely over, check out a paragraph below from the article and a link to it:
“Major League players, coaches, and broadcasters love a delicious Thanksgiving meal as much as the rest of us, and many of them have been kind enough to share their favorite recipes. We’ve been collecting recipes from Major Leaguers for the last few years, and here’s a sampling of some of the best we’ve encountered, along with the stories behind them. We’ll be adding to this leading up to Thanksgiving, so please keep checking back if you are looking for some inspiration for your family dinner.”
I did manage to find a couple of others Thanksgiving pics – mostly featuring the great Bambino – that you can check out in the photo gallery. Also, on the right is one of my all-time favorites which I try to post every year: Lou Gehrig helping out his mother Christina in the kitchen with the Thanksgiving Day dishes.
Anyway…I hope you all have a great day with your families.And don’t forget to do your share today in helping out around the kitchen…just like the obedient son, Lou Gehrig. If the great “Iron Horse” can do it, so can we.And Lou looks pretty spiffy in that bow tie, too!
So, again…
From all of us at Baseball History Comes Alive, Happy Thanksgiving to all our loyal readers! Hope you all have a great day!
Gary Livacari
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