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1946 World Series Photo Gallery
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Enos Slaughter’s “Mad Dash” Wins The 1946 World Series As Johnny Pesky Holds The Ball!
As we know, there’s nothing like October baseball, where everything gets magnified, the good and the bad. Today I’ll continue my series on memorable World Series moments with a look back at the classic 1946 World Series between the Cardinals and Red Sox. It’s remembered for one of the most exciting plays in all of baseball history. The game we’re looking at was played on October 15, 1946, at Sportsman’s Park in St. Louis.
Baseball Back as the National Pastime
With World War II finally over, most teams were back to full strength for the 1946 regular season. The country breathed a collective sigh of relief as baseball resumed its customary and, in this case, soothing role as the “National Pastime.” 1946

represented one of the most prosperous years in baseball history – and fittingly was decided by one of the most exciting World Series plays of all time.
The Cardinals and the Brooklyn Dodgers had tied for the top spot in the National League and had met in the major leagues’ first-ever pennant playoff. The Redbirds managed to prevail over the Dodgers in two straight in the best-of-three match, capturing their fourth National League flag in five seasons. For the Red Sox, this was their first World Series appearance since they whipped the Cubs in the 1918 World Series.
Click to See Enos Slaughter’s “Mad Dash”
The teams were tied at three games apiece as the Series headed for its dramatic conclusion. In the bottom of the eighth inning of Game Seven, with the score tied 3-3, the Cardinals’ Enos “Country” Slaughter opened with a single. He remained at first after the next two batters failed to advance him into scoring position. Harry “The Hat” Walker next stepped into the batter’s box and walloped a shot over
shortstop Johnny Pesky’s head into left-center. As center fielder Leon Culberson chased it down, Slaughter started his memorable “Mad Dash.” Cardinal fans cheered wildly as Slaughter motored around the bases like a man possessed, running through third-base coach Mike Gonzalez’s stop sign. Slaughter had set his sights like a laser beam on one target: home plate…and nothing was going to stop him!
Pesky caught Culberson’s throw, spun around, and—perhaps surprised to see Slaughter headed for the plate—supposedly hesitated for just a split second before relaying home. Red Sox catcher Roy Partee had to advance up the third-base line a couple steps to snare Pesky’s throw. Slaughter was safe without a play. He had scored the lead run all the way from first base on a single!
In the featured photo above, we see Enos Slaughter racing home in a cloud of dust as he scores what proved to be the winning run. The catcher is Roy Partee, the umpire is Al Barlick, and the on-deck hitter is Marty Marion.
More Dramatics in the Ninth!
But the game wasn’t over. Cardinal ace pitcher Harry “The Cat” Brecheen continued the drama in the top of the ninth after he allowed singles to the Red Sox’ Rudy York and Bobby Doerr to open the inning. As the hushed Sportsman’s Park fans winced in anticipation, Pinky Higgins then hit into a force out that moved pinch-runner Paul Campbell to third.
With one out, Boston’s tying run was now only ninety feet away. Partee came up next and fouled out to first baseman Stan Musial, allowing the nervous Cardinal fans to exhale for a brief moment. That left it up to pinch-hitter Tom McBride. With the Red Sox down to their last batter, Brecheen induced the outfielder to hit an easy grounder to Red Schoendienst at second, who tossed to shortstop Marty Marion for a game-ending forceout. One of the most memorable World Series in history was over!
Almost immediately, Enos Slaughter’s “Mad Dash” in the 1946 World Series became firmly entrenched as one of the most exciting plays in baseball’s glorious World Series lore. And you have to admire Johnny Pesky for being a “stand-up” guy. Here’s what he said after the Series was over:
“I’m the goat. I never expected he’d try to score. I couldn’t hear anybody hollering at me above the crowd. I gave Slaughter at least six strides with the delay. I know I could have nailed him if I had suspected he would try for the plate. I’m the goat – no doubt about it.”
That’s OK Johnny…You’re forgiven!
Gary Livacari
The HBO series “When It Was A Game” has some amazing color footage from not only the playoff (Cardinals vs Dodgers), but also the World Series (Cardinals vs Red Sox)…love that stuff!
One of the all time memorable plays, Gary! Stand up comment by Pesky (that’s a beautiful weathered face in the picture).
Giants could have had Slaughter, in ’52 when Eddie Stanky was dealt to the Cards to become their manager. Instead, they settled for fleet-footed Chuck Diering (who could hit his way out of a paper bag on a good day). He hit .174 for the Jints, while Enos clubbed .300 with 100 RBI for St. Loo.
Do you know Slaughter’s other nickname?
No I don’t…what is it?
Marryin’ Sam
No mention of the Sox regular CF, Dom DiMaggio, leaving the game after doubling in the bottom of the 8th because of a hamstring pull, which is why Culberson was playing.