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Cub Players Shot by Scorned Lovers, Part I:
“The Showgirl and the Shortstop!”
“Billy Jurges was one in a hundred thousand. I met him at a party…and I fell hard.” –Violet Popovich Valli, speaking of her lover, Cub shortstop Billy Jurges
Here’s a dubious “record” I’m sure the Cubs aren’t too pleased to hold. How many teams can boast that one of their players has actually been shot by a scorned lover? Well, the Cubs are lucky enough to have – are you ready for this? – not one but two such bizarre incidents!
Today let’s revisit the day the Cubs’ brilliant young 24-year old shortstop Billy Jurges was shot in his hotel room by a jilted lover (or so the story goes), named Violet Popovich Valli (Valli was her stage name).
Apparently the former showgirl, chorus girl, and model was “a real looker,” as they used to say back then. And no, she’s not related – as far as I know – to the former Cub player from the 1960’s Paul “Pop-a-Pitch” Popovich.
[Question: Who was the other Cub player shot by a scorned lover? Watch for Part II in this series coming soon!]
The unfortunate incident occurred 88 years ago last month, July 6, 1932, shortly before the Cubs won the 1932 pennant and met the Yankees in the World Series. The shooting occurred in room #509 of the Hotel Carlos, 3834 N. Sheffield Avenue, where they were both staying, not far from Wrigley Field.

As you can imagine, the newspapers at the time went wild with accounts of this sordid affair and it became a national sensation, sort of the O.J. Simpson story of the 1930s. Apparently it all started after the couple had a very public argument in New York. Valli, concerned about their future together, was upset because Jurges was not returning her phone calls. The tabloid Chicago Examiner also reported Violet had received a telegram on July 6 intimating Jurges had been out with other women. The Examiner story added that a resident of the hotel overheard Violet telling a friend, “If he denies this, I’ll forgive him, otherwise I’ll give him the works!” What’s that old saying? “Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman,” or something like that…
On the ill-fated day, Violet pounded on Jurges’ door and confronted him with a .25 caliber pistol. During the ensuing struggle, three shots were fired, one ricocheted off Jurges’ rib, another struck a finger on his left hand, and a third traveled through Violet’s arm. Fortunately, neither were fatally injured, and both were admitted to Chicago hospitals. According to Scott Bales, who wrote an award-winning SABR research article on the incident:
“Newspaper photographers burst into her hospital room. Daily reports painted her with such colorful descriptions as ‘the chestnut-haired divorcee’ and the ‘dark-haired chorus girl.’ ”
Yes…it was a PC-free world back then!
I guess you could say “All’s well that ends well,” as Jurges dropped the charges against Violet and rejoined the Cubs less than a month later and went on to play in the World Series. But there may be more to the story. Some reports say that the shooting occurred as Jurges attempted to grab the gun from a suicidal Valli. Others, based on a letter Jurges wrote later in life to baseball writer and historian, Jerome Holtzman, fueled speculation that Jurges was taking the heat for his married teammate, Kiki Cuyler, who was also seeing Violet; and that perhaps Cuyler was the true target of her anger. The truth is probably buried in here somewhere.
As for showgirl Violet Valli, she immediately tried to cash in on her new-found notoriety with engagements in the Chicago area. Billed as the “The Girl Who Shot For Love,” she starred in a burlesque production called “Bare Cub Follies” at the State Congress theater. She also apparently couldn’t get her fill of major league ballplayers. If we can believe the Chicago Tribune, she reportedly went on to date Leo Durocher and even Al Lopez [!]; and eventually married former boxer Charley “The Dutch Dynamiter” Retzlaff in 1947.
OK…I’m gullible enough to believe about anything, but dating Leo “the Lip”Durocher? C’mon…
Although mild-mannered off the field, Jurges developed a fiery reputation as one of the most volatile competitors in the game between the white lines. He became known for his numerous ejections following memorable on-field brawls. A three-time All-Star, Billy Jurges played 17 seasons in the major leagues (1931-’47) for the Cubs (1931-’38, 1946-’47), and Giants (1939-’45). He managed the Red Sox (1959-’60), and later scouted for six different teams. Over his career, Billy hit .258 with 43 home runs and 656 RBI. Jurges was the mainstay of three Cub pennant winners (1932, ’35, ’38). In 13 postseason games, he hit .275 over 40 at-bats.
Billy was an excellent defensive shortstop, leading the National League in fielding percentage four times during the 1930s, with nine top-10 finishes over his career. During his tenure with the Cubs, he made a formidable double-play combination with his future Hall-of-Fame partner, Billy Herman.
Violet Popovich Valli passed away in 2000. Billy Jurges died in 1997 in Clearwater, Florida, aged 88.
Gary Livacari
Photo Credits: All from Google search
Information: Article on Billy Jurges shooting incident by Scott Bales; and excerpts edited from the Billy Jurges Wikipedia page
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As Dr. S. said Gary, you are deepening the definition of “shooting pains.”
But I say you are holding your faithful readers in rapt attention. This is a very interesting and educational post. Naturally, my twin brother Robert Redford and I are eager for your next installment.
Please keep smiling, and many thanks!
Shoot, I can’t Wait cuz I’m impatient.
Wonder who the second player is..😁
“Comedy Central” has met its match in Denny Doyle’s great-grandfather! I humbly yield the floor. “Wait cuz”? Too much.
Gary, your beloved blog is being taken over by clowns. (It had to happen.)
I was trying to come up with a witty remark about the clowns…and the only result is now I’ll be humming “Send In the Clowns” to myself for the rest of the day. Won’t be able to get it out of my head!
Official uniform of Baseball History Comes Alive:
The blog has been in a holding Patkin for awhile now, Michael…🤪
You guys are too much!