With spring training finally starting to heat up this year, here’s one of my favorites: a neat photo, originally found by my Old-Time Baseball Photos partner, Ron Bolton, from the 1912 Giants spring training camp in Marlin, Texas…
White Sox and Giants Play Baseball…in Egypt, 1914!
One hundred eleven years ago today, February 1, 1914, tour members of the White Sox and the Giants played to a 3-3 tie in the first-ever baseball game in the deserts of Egypt. The contest was part of a 56-game world “Tour to End All Tours!”…
Today is the 70th Anniversary of Willie Mays’s Great Catch! But… Who is the “Mystery Person”?
We’ve all seen variations of Willie Mays’s great catch in the 1954 World Series before. But there’s something about this photo that I’ll bet you never noticed. It’s… The “Mystery Person!”…
The 116th Anniversary of the “Merkle Game”: The Day Fred Merkle’s Life Changed Forever
I think all fair-minded baseball fans would never want to see anyone’s life negatively altered by what happens in a baseball game (think: Steve Bartman). Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to a young 19-year-old rookie named Fred Merkle 116 years ago today…
A Memorable Baseball Brawl: Carl Furillo Gets 50-Year Old Leo Durocher in a Chokehold!
“Durocher was a dirty manager. He was a dirty player… I hated his guts.” –Carl Furillo…
Tribute to Willie Mays (1931-2024), RIP
“What can I say about Willie Mays after I say he’s the greatest player any of us has ever seen?…If he could cook, I’d marry him!” –Leo Durocher, speaking of Willie Mays…
The Cardinals Record Historic Comeback Against the Giants!
Did you ever wonder what was the greatest comeback in National League History? I discovered that it happened 72 years ago today…
Tribute to Lefty O’Doul: What His Career Could Have Been
Today, we welcome back Mark Kolier with an interesting essay on a great hitter who has been overlooked for the Hall of Fame, Lefty O’Doul. Lefty was also one of baseball’s greatest ambassadors who played a vital role in establishing baseball in Japan…
Red Ames: “The Harvey Haddix of the Deadball Era”
If Harvey Haddix were alive today, he could take some solace in the fact the he’s not alone on baseball’s all-time list of “hard-luck” pitchers. He’d be pleased to know that Deadball Era pitcher Red Ames is right there with him!…
The Shot BEFORE the Shot Heard ‘Round the World!
Today we welcome back Matt Kastel with an interesting account of a tragic incident that occurred at the Polo grounds on July Fourth, 1950. This is something I had never heard of before. Many years later, it’s still painful to read about what happened to a fan casually sitting in the stands and enjoying a ball game…
Memorable World Series Moments: 1917 World Series White Sox vs. Giants
Heine Zimmerman Chases Speedy Eddie Collins Across Home Plate!…
Bobby Thomson’s Doubleplay Saved His “Shot” Legacy
Bill reminds us today of a fantastic twin killing initiated by Bobby Thomson in the final series of the 1951 pennant race that may very well have changed the course of baseball history…
Michael Keedy’s Mystery Player Number Four!
Come back later today around 7:00 PM CT to see who it is that Michael Keedy is featuring today as Mystery Player Number Four. Here’s a hint: He was on the 1951 Giants…and you’ll find him in the photo gallery!…
Today we welcome back Bill Schaefer with an interesting account of the 1951 game between the Dodgers and Phillies that necessitated the three-game playoff series between the Dodgers and Giants…
I Never Get Tired of Talking About Willie!
For those of us weaned on baseball in the 50s and 60s, we never tire of talking about Willie Mays…
The Sad Demise of Hack Wilson
“Hung over, yes, many times…drunk, no.” -Hack Wilson’s response when asked if he ever played drunk…
Michael Keedy’s Top Ten Greatest World Series Catches, Number Four: Willie Mays, “The Catch,” and the 1954 World Series
“Part of the charm of the Polo Grounds…is that a man pitching a game can, without turning his head, listen to fans in the right-field stands ask each other for matches.”…
“Baseball fights can be more dangerous than hockey fights, where two players square off, because you’ve got guys running all over the place and people throwing punches at you that you don’t see half the time”…
Giants’ Manager Bill Terry Learns A Lesson – the Hard Way!
You’ve heard the old saying: “Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman”? Well, it applies in spades to scorned baseball fans!…
“Every time I sign a ball, and there must have been thousands, I thank my luck that I wasn’t born Coveleski or Wamsganss or Peckinpaugh.” -Mel Ott…
June 3, 1932: A Truly Memorable Day In Baseball History With Three Historic Events!
I wonder if there’s ever been a day quite like June 3, 1932 when not one…not two…but three historic events occurred – two within the same game!…
The Three Alou Brothers Make History: All Three In The Same Outfield!
Can we put this one in the category: “It’ll never happen again”? I think that’s a safe bet!…
THERE ARE ERRORS…AND THEN THERE ARE ERRORS!! Hank Gowdy and the 1924 World Series
“The mask held me like a bear claw,” –Hank Gowdy, recalling his unfortunate incident in the 1924 World Series which led to Washington’s winning run…
The 1962 World Series (Part Three)
Today, in Part Three, I’ll provide some details about the 1962 World Series which also had a dramatic ending. This time it didn’t end in the Giants’ favor.
Back Into The Dead Ball Era: The 1912 New York Giants!
“In playing or managing, the game of ball is only fun for me when I’m out in front and winning. I don’t give a [hill of beans] for the rest of the game.” -John McGraw…
Followup To Paul Doyle’s Essay on the Dodger-Giant 1962 Playoff Series (Part Two)
A Bitter Stan Williams Recalls His Role In One Of The Worst Innings In Dodger History, October 3, 1962
Most of us who read Baseball History Comes Alive treasure the 1951 National League Playoff Series where Bobby Thomson hit the “Home Run Heard ‘Round the World.”…
Baseball “Goats,” Part Three: Heine Zimmerman and the 1917 World Series
“Who the hell was I supposed to throw to, Bill Klem?”…
Baseball “Goats,” Part Two: The “$30,000 Muff”
To follow up on my three-part series on the tragedy of Fred Merkle, I’m today starting another series on well-known baseball goats…
The Merkle Tragedy, Part Two: The Warren Gill Game
The game isn’t over until that man touches second base! Why don’t you wait until the game is over, you big fathead!…
The Tragedy of Fred Merkle, Part One
“Strength to overcome adversity…that is the enduring legacy of Fred Merkle’s life.’”…
“He can hit. He can run. He can field…If he could cook, I’d marry him!” -Leo Durocher, speaking of Willie Mays…
Baseball’s Version of “The Thrill of Victory…and The Agony of Defeat!” Part Two
Here’s the “flipside” to one of the most memorable days in baseball history: Bobby Thomson’s “Shot Heard Round the World” at the Polo Grounds in 1951…
We love to think about baseball and talk baseball and figure out how our favorite team is going to do this year…
Shootings, Murders, Near-Tragedies, Part V: 1913-14 World Tour, Near Disaster Strikes – Twice!
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Shootings, Murders, and Near-Tragedies, Part IV: The Amazing Story of Jack “Lucky” Lohrke!
“You were thinking of doing what??…Haha!…Don’t make me laugh!”…
Baseball Shootings and Murders, Part III: The Tragic Demise of Bugs Raymond
“Bugs Raymond took seven years off my life” – Giants’ manager John McGraw…
Solving the Mystery of Togo Hamamoto
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June 13th Was A Lucky Day For Christy Mathewson!
Who says the number 13 is unlucky? I doubt Christy Mathewson would agree with that old adage. “Big Six” recorded two career milestone victories on June 13th…
Time To Put Your Thinking Caps On! Here’s a picture of Babe Ruth as a Boston Brave with a bunch of players in Red Sox uniforms. It’s from the Boston Public Library Leslie Jones collection…