Amidst all the hoopla and hype of the Cubs and Dodgers opening the 2025 baseball season in Japan – with superstar Shohei Ohtani as the biggest attraction – it might be fun to recall an earlier trip to Japan: the highly successful 1934 barnstorming tour…
White Sox and Giants Play Baseball…in Egypt, 1914!
One hundred eleven years ago today, February 1, 1914, tour members of the White Sox and the Giants played to a 3-3 tie in the first-ever baseball game in the deserts of Egypt. The contest was part of a 56-game world “Tour to End All Tours!”…
Eiji Sawamura and Babe Ruth’s 1934 Tour of Japan
It’s amazing what you discover when searching the National Pastime “This Day in Baseball History” website!
Shootings, Murders, Near-Tragedies, Part V: 1913-14 World Tour, Near Disaster Strikes – Twice!
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The 1930s Baseball Barnstorming Tours to Japan, Part II: The 1934 Tour
“The 1934 tour would have never happened without Babe Ruth, because – even though he was at the end of his playing career – he was still the most popular and famous athlete of his day”…
Babe Ruth’s 1924 Barnstorming Tour Visits Dunsmuir Ball Park…And It’s Still Standing!
With a rare second-place finish, the 1924 season was a disappointment for the Yankees. The team was aging with four regulars and nearly all their bench over the age of 30…
The 1931 Tour of Japan
Those of you who read Bill Gutman’s interesting post about Lefty O’Doul will recall Bill mentioned that Lefty was on the 1931 tour to Japan…
We’re Contacted by Grandson of Former Major Leaguer, Ken Lehman!
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1913-14 “World Tour To End All Tours”: Near Disaster Strikes – Twice!
How many of you are aware that, in addition to a stomach ailment almost killed Charles Comiskey, the entire entourage of 67 people were almost wiped out – twice!…