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Another Milestone Achievement For Old Time Baseball Photos! Our Fourth Anniversary!

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Another Milestone Achievement For Old-Time Baseball Photos!

Today Old-Time Baseball Photos celebrates its fourth anniversary on Facebook!

Who’d a thunk it!

Yes…four years ago this very day, July 7, 2014, Ronnie Bolton posted his first pic on the OTBPs Face Book page that he created. I happened to stumble on the site a couple weeks later, and I sent a message to Ron telling him what a nice site I thought it was and  and how much I enjoyed old baseball photos. Ron asked me if I wanted to join him in the endeavor. I immediately responded “you bet,” and the next thing you knew, a unique partnership between a New Jersey Mets fan (Ron) and a Chicago area Cub fan (me) was born – even though still to this day we’ve never met and have only talked once on the phone.

What keeps the venture going is our mutual love of baseball history, and, lo and behold, four years later, we’re still at it. Over time, we added our web page, Baseball History Comes Alive, now closing in on 200K hits. Plus Ron and I also post on Twitter, so we have a great social media presence.

Along the way, we picked up some fine contributors, including our talented resident baseball artist and baseball researcher “par excellence,” Don Stokes; plus we’ve added some outstanding writers like Kyle McNary, Author Ron Waldo, Kevin Trusty, and Alex Cheremeteff. We’re glad to have all of them as part of our team.

To start things off on July 7, 2014 Ron posted about a dozen old baseball photos. The featured photo below is one from that original group. Click on the link to see a few more from Ron’s first group of photos:

The pay for this job isn’t exactly good ( OK…there isn’t any!), but Ron and I have been more than amply compensated for this “labor of love” by the wonderful support we’ve received from our many loyal readers. We’re thrilled and extremely gratified that our humble efforts to keep baseball history alive has met with such a positive response. Believe it or not, we’re now up to 73K followers. It’s not unusual for some of our more popular posts to garner 500-1,000 “likes,” hundreds of “shares”, and many interesting comments.

As we enter into our fifth year of posting old baseball photos and articles, we again want to say “thanks” for all the support we’ve received over the years. We always enjoy hearing from you!

Ron and Gary

Photo Credits: All from Google search

Check out my two books, both now available on Amazon in e-book and paperback:  “Paul Pryor in His Own Words: The Life and TImes of a 20-Year Major League Umpire” and “Memorable World Series Moments.” All profits go to the Illinois Veterans Foundation

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