Another Edition of: Do You Have a Caption For This Photo? Let’s Have Some Fun!

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 It’s Another Edition Of:

Do You Have a Caption For This Photo?


Let’s Have Some Fun!

I love this photo…

It looks like it’s from my era, vintage 1950s, with even original Keds High-Top gym shoes! For all we know, that could be Michael Keedy on one side and Bill Schaefer on the other, two other guys I know from my era!

We do a lot of “heavy writing” around here, so it’s nice every once in a while to step back, wind down, and have fun with something simple. In this case, it’s something that innocently captures the spirit of the game we all love. So here’s a caption I put together to go with it:

It’s 1955…There’s a heavy discussion on the mound…Let’s listen in!…

First Kid: “Hey you dummy…When I put down four fingers – like this – you’re supposed to throw your split-fingered fastball, not your four-seamer!”

Second Kid: “Huh???”

Haha! The reason I love this photo, in addition to capturing kids’ love of baseball, is because it reminds me that after watching baseball for over 65 years, I still can’t understand the signals the catcher puts down for the pitcher. I know “1” means fastball, “2” usually means curve; but that’s about as far as I can go with it. When I see the signals being flashed, I have no idea what pitch is coming! Looks like these little guys have a better understanding than I do!

In this case, maybe the four fingers could also mean “I’ll give you four juice boxes,” or “My mom said we have to be home by 4 o’clock,” or something like that…

If you have a good caption for the pic, please post it below. Let’s hear it!

And if you have a photo in mind that would go well for my ongoing series, “Do you have a caption for this photo?” please send it to me at: Thanks!

Gary Livacari 

As always, we enjoy reading your comments

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20 thoughts on “Another Edition of: Do You Have a Caption For This Photo? Let’s Have Some Fun!

  1. “Look, Johnny, it’s like you’re having tea with the Queen.

    “You extend your pinkie finger up, right? Well then for the ol’ dipsy doodle ball you also just lift these two other fingers, and aim for the glove.”

  2. Pitcher: “What do you do with an elephant with three balls?”

    Catcher: “Walk him and pitch to the giraffe .”

  3. ” Four times you’ve thrown the ball in the dirt. Can’t you see I’m not wearing any shinguards? It hurts!”

  4. “When I said I have to be home by 4:00, it’s this many fingers. Can’t you speed it up?…it’s getting late!

  5. Listen, Tommy. When you throw four balls to a batter, he goes to first. It’s just like a hit. So throw the ball over the plate! Got it?

    1. That’s a good one! Of course, he’s telling him four fingers means you walk the guy! I have a feeling the other kid wasn’t too bright. The catcher may have made good managerial material!

  6. Catcher: “Don’t worry about the signals, PitchCom is coming.”


    Pitcher: “Whaddya mean, Don’t give him anything good but don’t walk him?”

  7. “Yeah, four pitches four homers. Don’t rub it in–didn’t YOU ever have a bad day?”

    “You need four fingers to count to four? Throw in your toes and you can get to 20 easy.”

    “Very nice. You’d make a great hand model, but you suck as a catcher!”

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