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:01 Mel Allen, 03 Connie Mack, :10 Joe McCarthy, :19 Red Faber, :19 Stan Coveleski, :22 Ed Walsh, :26 George Earnshaw, :28 Chief Bender,

:32 Cy Young, :38 Unknown A’s, :43 Ray Schalk, :44 Mickey Cochrane, :47 George Sisler, :52 George McBride, :56 Jimmie Foxx, 1:04 Charlie Gehringer, 1:10 Frank “Home Run” Baker, 1:20 Tris Speaker, 1:24 Duffy Lewis, 1:30 Harry Hooper, 1:37 Waite Hoyt, 1:40 Ty Cobb, 1:48 Group with Cobb, Hooper, Speaker, D. Lewis, Cy Young, 1:59 Lefty Gomez, 2:01 Red Ruffing (I think), 2:04: Elmer Smith, 2:07 Wally Pipp, 2:08 Jimmy Foxx, 2:11 George Sisler, 2:12 Joe Judge, 2:14 Unknown Yankee, 2:15 Mike McNally, 2:18 Jack Berry, 2:20 Roger Peckinpaugh, 2:32 Unknown Yankee, 2:27 Red Rolfe, 2:30 Frank “Home Run” Baker, 2:32 Unknown Indian.
Gary Livacari
Thanks Gary it’s great to get a glimpse of these all-time greats.
Thanks Mark. I love looking at Old Timers photos and I’m always on the lookout for good pics and film clips. I thought this was a particularly good one.
Wonderful video. All the old-timers there that day were American Leaguers, which leaves out Augie Galan. My guesses are :19 Big Ed Walsh, :19 Stan Coveleski, (Indian), :22 Red Faber, :26 George Earnshaw, :38 Lefty Grove (he wore #3 in his playing days), :52 Joe Judge, 2:04 Aaron Ward, 2:12 Joe Judge, 2:16 Wilcy Moore, 2:18 ? (Might be Jack Barry, Jack Coombs, or Al Simmons, they were all there), 2:14 Earle Combs, 2:15 Bob Meusel, 2:28 George Selkirk, 2:32 Herb Pennock, 2:32 unknown Indian. Some tidbits: Joe McCarthy was signed the next day to manage the Red Sox. In the two inning affair Earle Combs hit a three run inside the park home run over Tris Speaker’s head (I bet the Gray Eagle took some kidding for that as he was well-known for playing shallow). Cobb lead off the game with an attempted bunt and was thrown out by Wally Schang.
Thanks Kevin for your great input! I’ve updated the text to include a bunch of your IDs. Greatly appreciated!
Gary great video I’m wondering if you know anyone who has old timers day ceremonies ny yankees on video or film from 1950s to 90s thanks
Thanks Ken, offhand I don’t but I’m pretty sure you could find some on You Tube.