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Please note: As we compose new blog entries, we will now send each one out to all our subscribers as we post them. Here’s a link to see the entire Blog Archives -GL
April 17, 2021
New Blog Topic: There’s No Crying—Or Sleeping!—In Baseball!
Don’t believe me? You could have asked Hall-of-Famer Edd Rousch! (if he was still around).
A recent article in Baseball Digest had some interesting information about baseball ejections. For instance, it mentioned that Earl Weaver was once tossed from a game during the playing of the National Anthem! I know that’s hard to believe but the irascible Orioles’ manager was still burned up by a call at first base the night before made by umpire Dale Ford. So the next night, while at home plate during the anthem, he unwisely decided to continue the “discussion” by further unloading on Ford with this gem: “What are you going to (bleep) up tonight, Ford?”
Needless to say, Ford was not amused, and replied, “Whatever it is, you’re not going to be watching because as soon as the last note is done, you’re gone.”
Haha! That’s a good one!
But my favorite incident from the article occurred back in 1920 in a game played at the Polo Grounds between the Reds and the Giants. Here’s the scene:
Giants’ left fielder George Burns hit s a shot down the left-field line and legged out a double. Apparently, there was some dispute as to whether it was fair or foul, and home plate umpire Barry McCormack called it fair. That brought Reds’

manager Pat Moran out of the dugout to protest the call. During the course of the extended argument, Reds’ centerfielder Edd Roush decided to “put his glove on the ground and take a nap.” Sure enough, according to the article, he fell fast asleep; and teammate Heine Groh’s attempt to “rouse Rousch” failed. When the game resumed, umpire McCormack got tired of waiting for the slumbering future Hall-of-Famer to return to his position, and so ejected him for “delay of game.” Greasy Neale, who would later go on to fame in the NFL, replaced Rousch in center.
This whole thing sounded a little fishy to me, so I decided to check out the box score on Retrosheet. There I found a few more details. The incident occurred in the bottom of the eighth, and on the same play, Reds’ catcher Ivy Wingo was also ejected by McCormack. This is how the Rousch incident was described in the box score: ”Rousch lay down to protest the fair call

and was ejected by McCormack for delay of game.”
So was Rousch actually “laying down” on the job (so to speak)? Or was he just protesting the call in a rather unusual way? That’s a bit of a different take than actually falling asleep on the field. I guess we’ll never really know for sure, but I sort of like the version described above.
And so, thanks to Ed Rousch, Barry McCormack, and Heine Groh, we can safely conclude that there’s “No crying—or sleeping!—in baseball.
If you can think of any more unusual ejections, please send them my way. I think we can have a lot of fun with this!
Gary Livacari
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The Earl Weaver National Anthem ejection is a classic!
Bobby Valentine comes to mind. When arguing an interference call on catcher Mike Piazza in the 12th inning, the Mets manager was tossed. He appeared in the 13th, in the dugout, with a huge black mustache and his Mets cap turned backwards.
“I never questioned an umpire’s integrity. Their eyesight, yes.” Leo Durocher
Check out the video on former Mets second baseman Wally Backman, when managing the South Georgia Peanuts. He goes nuts after being thrown out. If you’re not offended by bad language, it’s hilarious!
I always loved the one where Bobby Valentine of the Mets got tossed and returned to the dugout wearing a fake mustache and glasses.
Whoops, sorry Bill. Missed that you already covered that one above. How about when Lloyd McClendon picked up first base and left with it.!
Haha! That’s a good one! I also remember Lou Piniella when he was managing the Cubs going berserk and throwing a base.